Wow - have a look at this piccie Elisa had done something similar for her daughter and I loved it so much she kindly did one for me too. The piccie is of my daughter before going out to a disco. Check out Elisa's blog if you wish to contact her, I have no doubt this will be a successful new business venture for her. I would love to hear some feedback from you so I can pass it back to Elisa, I think she has done a wonderful job and I'm off to get this framed now.
Here is the before piccie.
Very fun and funky - great work Elisa !!!!!!
OMG Carrie I wouldn't let her out, she's too gorgeous!!! Brilliant photograph and I love the photoshopped one too, will have to check out the blog. Love this, very funky and original. a gorgeous keepsake too.
Great altered photo. Your DD looks gorgeous too. love the pink hair.
Would make a great stamp.
I remember the 'getting ready' tales for this disco....brilliant outfit.
This is brilliant, I love it Elisa.
Carrie what a great keepsake for Ciara.
Wow, that looks amazing! Ciara looks pretty amazing in the before pic too! Jo's right, it would make a brilliant stamp.
that's fantastic! and she looks brilliant! love that outfit. I remember having something not too dissimilar in the eighties, ahem!
Thanks Carrie for the sweet words. And yes, it was a big help that Ciara is gorgeous!
Both C and Elisa's artwork are just so cool! Well done Elisa - there's definitely a biz there!
It would make a great stamp.Clara is just gorgeous
It's a brilliant image- I really admire those who can work photoshop properly. Great starting photo, too.
Whoa, so funny but also beautiful the picture became after Photoshop! And what a sweet young girl she is!
Wonderful work, Elisa. Carrie, I am sure your Ciara will be super impressed!
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