Monday 17 May 2010

All of My Heart

Been working on this little piece with some left over copper 'scraps' - its around 4 inches tall and wide and it has been drilled, textured and stitched - I quite like it now. It can be worn as a piece of jewellery although it is quite large.

Monday 10 May 2010

Did I Tell You.........

For a long time I had wanted to make a book around this poem for my daughter, and as its coming up to her birthday I thought it would be perfect timing, the book however just didn't come along how I had planned it, too many techniques, ideas, colours and none of them really flowing. In the end, it turned out to be more of a booklet. Covers are painted cotton duck with stitched detail and embellishments, swan feathers and a brass etching, the insides are a painted photo of a robbin and a canvas painted with acrylic paints, image transfer and some oil sticks. Fingers crossed she will like it :0))))

Tuesday 4 May 2010

A Finished Project

How many projects have you ever started, never finished and filed under bin, bag, box or shed??? I have far to many, but, I have decided to start getting some work together. Here's one I made earlier and finished off last night. :0)