Hi folks, I'm still working away in the background trying in vain to finish my final piece for assessment for my creative embroidery course. This is a snippet of what I am doing at present and its taking me forever. I decided to do 'some' french knots around the edges of chiffon and they have turned into thousands............................ and i am still at it a week later :( I love how its turning out but definitely need to get cracking. The background is a black satin which I have discharged and it has turned out great. Watch this space for more updates!!!
wow! looks stunning
pity we can't see it IRL Carrie!! looks like some great textures developing there.
Looks amazing Carrie!
Takes me back to my textile days. Exciting work Carrie. It'll be worth the end result even though the French knots are taking an age.
This is awesomee
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