Wednesday 17 June 2009

More WIP

I dont even know why I am adding these but I have many works that are started and never get finished. They will be ........................................... someday - but not just yet, I have lots more work to start on lol.

These are 2 of 5 pieces I made while at a silk papermaking workshop last week with Tunde Toth. It was a great day and lots was learned, I just need to give up the day job to be able to complete all my creations. These are not complete by any means but just a trial of what they could be.

I'm also doing some work for Fibre in Form online workshops so hopefully I will have some work from those experiments soon. :0))))


Kaz said...

this looks gorgeous Carrie, and right up your street. you should be doing your own online workshops by now woman!! you'd make a wee fortune you know... xx

Anonymous said...

I agree. Lovin your work x

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G'day Carrie
and sorry for my delay but those two posts on my blog caused an avalanche of mail LOL...famine to a feast as they say.Thank you so much for dropping by my blog and leaving me a comment.Knowing that what I do inspires someone...well anyone LOL inspires me to keep creating and sharing.So here I am at your blog and I love your inspiring paintings,jewelery and fibre art work....thankyou for sharing with the World :o)
Annette In Oz
PS I accidently deleted the post but here it is again LOl

Chris said...

These are beautiful, Carrie. I especially love the blue one.

Audrey said...

Stunning- you've already done so much work to them since the workshop!!!

Carol Q said...

lovely colours and texture Carrie!

boracay real estate said...

These stuffs look so great. You made such a very good post. Love it!!!