Wednesday 23 July 2008


I'm back again after another great workshop, this time at the National Print Museum in Dublin with tutor Caroline Byrne. This workshop was over 2 days and it was well worth it. We designed and cut our own lino and printed with up to 3 colours. Caroline was a very informative teacher and had the patience of a saint too. She was willing to share so much of her knowledge with us all. This was my design - did you ever have a design in mind and be happy with it until you saw what everyone else was doing? I was along with Audrey and Mary and they did the most fabulous work. These are my images, the first is on cotton paper in black, the second using 2 colours was printed onto Japanese paper - I love this paper. Below them are just 2 rubber stamps I made for fun while in 'cutting' mode. The museum has quite a few workshops running and I have spied another couple I think I need to register for.


Unknown said...

You result is pretty good Carrie!

Paula J Atkinson said...

These are great, Carrie. I love those birds.

Jen Crossley said...

These look awesome Carrie I love the birds

Emma said...

wow, the birds are gorgeous and I love the print done on Japanese paper, gorgeous colours.. sounds like you and Audrey had a fab weekend.

joanne wardle said...

brilliant carrie!

Jo Capper-Sandon said...

Is there no end to your talent :0) A difficult craft but you succeeded very well indeed. The birds will work really well with this. Great texture, remeniscent of Edvard Munchs work.

Mary said...

Lovely work on the trees Carrie. Great to learn a technique for adding colours without cutting up the finished linocut! I love your birds, and they make beautiful prints!

Audrey said...

Carrie I love your trees. I thought the B&W was so fab, I was surprised how fantastic the colour was too. My colour ones were't as good as yours by any stretch! I keep coming across the concept of yggdrasil the world tree ;-) Keeps making me think of you and your trees.

Let me know if you are booking anymore workshops.

Audrey said...

Oh god - that sounded wrong - I meant I thought the B&W was so great I didn't think the colour could compare! But it was equally as good.

Think I liked the eerie feeling of the colour combo.

Sorry my head is all over the place!

Karin said...

Fantastic results Carrie, These aren't the easiest of things to make. well done. :o)

Karen Owen said...

Well I don't know what everyone else did, but I think your lino carvings are excellent!