My lovely friend Audrey is getting married next week and some of her forum buddies in the UK and Dublin got together to make her a little something. I had been inspired by what I saw on Julie van Oosten's blog and thought I could get some of Audrey's creative friends to do something similar. I have to admit to being delighted with the results and almost not giving it to her. I think she kinda liked it :-)))
This is what I made for Audrey and which my lovely hubby thought I should 'do the right thing' and buy her a proper pressie lol. The background is some silk paper I made some time back at a workshop which I then stamped and embroidered on to it and I am very happy with how it turned out.
It was a busy month for Audrey as it was also her birthday, so I made her birthday card too...

And Finally........................... I have literally just finished making this hanging for my mum for xmas, the tips of my fingers are still numb but its worth it. I'm pleased with how it looks but I think in the future I will make something a little more abstract to this piece, its exactly how I had planned it but I'm not sure if its something I would want to re-create.
Hopefully during the holidays I will work my busy little fingers to some wonderfully creative work and get back into a routine of blogging again. Thanks for dropping by and do pop back again soon :0))
OMG Carrie! I've already said how much I love Audrey's squares and your Layers of Love piece that you made for her. Now, I just want to say that I'm so jealous of your Mum. The hanging is absolutely beautiful. So much texture and variety. Gorgeous colours too.
Does your talent know no bounds? :-)))
Absolutly amazing work, all of it. Your Mum is one lucky lady to have something as beautiful as this created just for her.
You are making the most beautiful things as possible. Lucky Audrey and lucky Mum, I am sure they will be very, very happy both of them!
WOW. I don't even know what to say, this is all abso-blimmin-lutely STUNNING. that hanging is like something from that Beryl Taylor book, only BETTER- Audrey is one lucky moo an all.....
wow wow and wow again, you are always a big inspiration Carrie and this is why. GET BLOGGIN MORE woman!! :) x
those squares are spectacular!!!!!!!!
and i agree - your work is much like the beryl taylor book - gorgeous!!!!
Fabulous!! Wonderful work!! :o)
Absolutely stunning work Carrie, love it all.
Proper! It's absolutely gorgeous! It all is :D
wow Carrie - the hanging is stunning. you are so talented. lucky mum.
Carrie, those pieces were even more stunning in real life! You are so talented :)
Well aren't I a lucky lucky girl ;-) Your work is amazing, your effort and kindness in organising the collage means so much, and your card is fab!
I bet your Mum is thrilled with her piece - it means so much to have something so personal.
Thanks again for being such an amazing friend and artist. xxx
The wall hanging is amazing, it was great to see it IRL, and your present for Audrey is gorgeous - the choice of colour is yummy and so perfect for the occasion.
Such beutiful pieces !!! Your works are really amazing !!
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