Monday, 10 September 2018

CTN Heads & Tales Exhibition

Currently exhibiting in Alliance Francaise Cork, is this piece of work which is my contribution to the theme of 'Tales' organised by Cork Textiles Network.  Artists were asked to respond to the theme and hopefully be successful in contributing to the Knitting and Stitching show this year in London, Dublin and Harrogate.  My work is entitled 'My Diary, a place to keep secrets.  This work is based around a diary – a place where you can record your thoughts, secrets and often life’s meaning and memories.  It’s a deeply personal space that is never meant to be shared or viewed but something enjoyed by its author.

This work is like my diary – it provides a glimpse of secrets and thoughts – an understanding that we all have a life, the detail of which not everyone will ever see or know but are wrapped up, patched over and stitched into the fabric of my life .  Edited to add this piece is sold.  

The other part of this exhibition is 'Heads' where all members were asked to produce a self portrait to fit to a particular size canvas.  Here I am - 'She's got issues' 

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