I had almost forgotten how to blog.............. Only kidding. I thought I might show you some of the items I have been playing with over the past weeks. I have recently started an online City and Guilds course wtih Linda Kemshall so I have been spending some of my dark evenings preparing the first module. Isn't it hard to get into the swing of things on dark evenings? or maybe its just me. (Thanks to my lovely sister I should have no excuses as she bought me a day light lamp) . Joanne recently made a lovely tea towel tote (or 565 lol) and I thought I would like to give these a go. You will find instructions here on this lady's blog if you are tempted, be warned, you may have to go on a major tea towel spending spree/hunt. Once the bug for trying this was over I had a play at making some jewellery which I had spied in a catalogue but they were an absolute fortune so I have made my version of them. AND lastly, I attended a 'Moving on with textiles' intensive workshop just yesterday at the Draoicht in Blanchardstown and I can tell you I had a fun fun fun day. There were 2 fantastic tutors who were teaching us how to do 3d embroidery, they did have a challenge I have to admit but it was worth it. My pieces here are not what I had envisaged they would turn out like at all but I am very happy to have learned so many techniques that I will definitely refine my next attempts. So, thank you for dropping by and catching up, hopefully it wont be as long until I blog again, but the next few weeks are filled with more fantastic textile workshops and I'm helping out at the Mega Scrap too but I'll be back :0) 

you know I love your bags! 565, lol, not quite, but I think I have bought enough tea towels for that amount! lol.
love all your other stuff too. I love looking at anything you make as it's always so different (that's good by the way)
you are always an inspiration, don't leave blogging so long next time!!
I'm subbed to your blog's feed, so will always pick up on a new post- so take your time (not too much, though!)if you need to. Real life can get soooo busy, but yours sounds like it's full of really interesting stuff :D Great projects, looking forward to seeing more of the same, when you have time!
Ooh Carrie I love your Jewellery and thanks for the link to the bags, I think I could manage one of those!!! Really want some easy projects to sew and i love that one, yours turned out FAB.
Hope the course goes well for you and you have fun with it!!
Love the tote bags, and your other things are just stunning.
Good luck with the C&G course.
lovely post Carrie. it's great to see the way you've personalised the bags and decorated them. I love the 3d work that you did and the jewellery is beautiful, it looks aged.
Fabulous work, Carrie! Love all your pieces! :o)
everything on here is fab, usual for you, it's all gorgeous, especially love the little girl bag, that image always reminds me of you, it's gorgeous too.
great stuff mrs as always.
the 3D vessels are quite amazing. Can't wait to see them IRL
The tote bags are gorgeous!
Love the totes Carrie. and the vessels did look much better in real life. Bet you are looking forward to the next session!
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