Over on the Scrap West Challenge Blog this week, our challenge was a Blog Celebration. For this we have to demonstrate a technique. I love image transfers and this is my demo of how I do it.
Equipment needed is a brayer (rolling pin or the back of a spoon will do). Gel medium of your choice, I have used Daler Rowney Matt Impasto Gel, a photocopy or printout of your chosen image and paper to transfer it onto – I have used a music sheet.
Step 1
Squeeze gel onto your finger tip and spread like butter completely over your image.
Step 2
Place image face down onto your paper and burnish with brayer for about 2-3 minutes, ensuring the paper is completely stuck down. Leave for 3-4 mins.
Step 3
Lift a corner of the paper up with your nail and check image is transferred. You should then be able to remove the backing paper off the image.
Step 4
You may have to dampen the image with a baby wipe and gently roll the remaining pulp off with your finger tips.
Step 5
When all the backing paper is removed I rub a second coat of gel very lightly over the image to seal it.
Eazy peazy!!!
If you wish to leave a comment on my blog I will raffle this piece off next Friday. Thanks for playing.
Oh wow, what a cool technique! One I haven't tried but will go on my wish list to do for sure. The piece you have made is just stunning!
wow ... carrie thanks for sharing this technique.... I have never tried anything like this, but your step by step instructions may just give me the push to give it a go.
Gorgeous piece :)
Fantastic technique Carrie, really going to try this one out, love it :-)
Beautiful Carrie. Wil defo be trying this out!
Gorgeous piece, and a great demonstration.
OMG Carrie Taht's gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing, I must have a go at this.
Wow, it's fab Carrie. I think I tried something like this but with the wrong type of medium before - you've given me courage to try again. Thanks for the instructions and love the piece....
Gel medium transfers can sometimes be a "hit or miss" situation. I've never used the Daler Rowney Matt Impasto Gel before, but it looks like it gives you a really nice transfer. I may have to give this brand a try and compare the results against the Golden's that I've been using.
Your finished piece is beautiful! Anyone would be honored to have that in their collection.
WOW, what a fab technique, I've seen you use it before but it's fab knowing how you actually do it. The piece is stunning :o)
It's fab Carrie. You taught me how to do this before and I have already forgotten so thanks for the great step by step instructions. No excuses now...
Thank you for sharing this technique Carrie. I love your work and have been dying to have a go at something like this and now I can - gorgeous :)
So that's how you do it!!! Thanks, Carrie - this technique is way beyond anything I've tried before and it's great to have a step-by-step "how to"! Thanks.
Turned out Fab Carrie. Must try this. have tried it before but not the same way as you did which looks a lot easier and more efficient.
Fantastic technique Carrie, you make it look so easy. I'll have to give it a go over the weekend :-)
Gorgeous project Carrie! I relly must give this a try!
A fantastic technique and a beautiful piece Carrie.
Thanks for sharing.
Wow! Fab results and so easy! I have some image transfer paste but it takes a heck of a lot longer than this to work so I rarely use it!
I love this technique and wow - that finished piece is amazing!!! Definitely inspiring ;-)
I love image transfers will have to try this. lovely piece Carrie.
Carrie, thank you for having the patience to do your tutorial! You make it look so easy. I am inspired to try this again, your transfers always look so good.
I have to try this now. thank you for the really clear instructions!
and that piece is just downright stunning, I completely love it!!
This is a fabulous demo Carrie, I really love it. Your work as always is inspiring, I can't wait to try this.
OOOOOOOOOOOO wow Carrie, thanks for this, I will defo be trying it out. Gorgeous piece too, count me in for the raffle!!!!!
Guess what I will be buying in the art shop tomorrow !!
Beautiful piece totally unique its really gorgeous.
Gorgeous Carrie. You make it look so easy I'll have to give this a go. The finished piece is amazing.
Carrie, I wanted to try this technique for ages, and you did all the stages so beautifully that now I am converted. I must do it.
Your piece is wonderful.
I have watched this technique for a while - you make this look so easy Carrie! The finished piece is stunning!
i'm another fan of this technique carrie as you do it so well! i will be trying it myself soon :)
thanks for the step by step instructions - the finished piece is stunning :)
Have to get some of that gel medium, a great technique, thanks for sharing Carrie!
Great demo Carrie, I love the finished product!
OOo Carrie .. fantastic demo and gorgeous Piece you have created ..
love it xx
Fantastic piece....love it! Seen this technique used and talked about many times but never really knew what to do....your step by step instructions though have solved that problem!
Absolut fantastic! I will try to make one like that! So now I have to find my english dictionary cause I did`nt understand everything. But this I will do! :)
Carrie that is fantastic, you are so very talented, thanks for sharing :)
This piece is wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing the technique with us.
Thanks for sharing this technique have seen lots of people using this but now i know what to do I can have a go. Wonderful Piece!!
Fantastic, Carrie. Definitely one to try!
Great technique explanation Carrie & I adore the finished piece, just gorgeous! Would this technique work with inkjet images?
Thanks for sharing... I have tried to doing ink transfers with alcohol spray but they come out fuzzy and watercolor-like. I love how crisp this image is! Very beautifull =)
Carrie...just had to pop back here & say thanks ....it works really well. Had a go with Inkjet images & Golden's matte gel medium today & all 3 images transfered perfectly!
What a gorgeous piece! And thanks for the technique tip. I've tried gel medium transfers before w/ no success, but this looks easy and do-able. I'll have to give it a shot later this weekend!
Brilliant technique Carrie - one day i will be brave enough to try it out - thanks for the step by step demo - Looks SOO EASY when you put it like that ;)
Fantastic step by step for this technique, I've never tried it before but you've made it sound so easy that I'll have to give it a try.
Thank you :o)
I love using this technique and virtually do it exactly the same way you do! Works every time! Would love to have someone else's gorgeous piece to admire though ;-)
I love this technique and haven't done it in forever. I must try it again. Love what you did and the finished piece is absolutely stunning :o)
hello again!
As I said earlyer about this art; it is so beautiful and I will try to make one myself.
And I have a question about that, I do not understand exactly what kind og gel you have been using. Could you please try to explain a little bit more about it? If you maybe have the name of another one. I haven`t found anything like that here yet.
Thank you so very much!
This is a divine piece! I look forward to trying it out - thanks so much for the excellent instructions!
Stunning work Carrie. I'd worked a bit with transfer images but have only ever used inkjet prints. Whats this gel like with inkjet?? Any good?
Great demo, wonderful wonderful work as always. Could you pop my name in the hat please :0)))
ps...I saw Giseles second comment...inkjet works fine :0)
Hello Carrie, thanks for the answer in my blog. So here I am again with my e-mailadr; klatten@online.no And again, thank you so very much!
Love the way this technique turned out...I haven't had much luck with these, so I'll be trying your method.
Just Beautiful Carrie, and an excellent tutorial also!
Hi Carrie,
I luv your finished project. I've not tried a transfer in this way before and I have all the vital ingredients, so I might just have to give it a go. Much faster and easier than the gel medium way I usually do and it doesn't always work. Thanks for the info, you make it sound very achievable.
Chris in Oz
Gorgeous Artwork. I too love gel medium transfers - have completed lots lately. Great tute!!
Sending vibes to the universe to win your raffle :))
Your link was posted on one of my groups for this technique and as I have never tried transfers, due to levels of difficulty, LOL, I shall give your method, which seems really easy, a try. Thanks for sharing!!
Wow, it does seem easy! I guess I have always given up too early, thinking the method didn't work if the paper got stuck. Never realized you need to make it stick, then rub off the paper that's not sticking... how easy. I'll definitely try now, thanks for showing!
The piece is really gorgeous!
That looks cool! Thanks for the demo
Excellent tutorial Carrie. I use Omni-Gel which I order from the US. It is also wonderful for transparencies. Are you still felting??? Hugs, Carol
Hi Carrie
Thank you for your very informative tutorial. The finished piece is absolutely beautiful. TFS
Oh wow this is absolutely gorgeous and thanks for the instructions too - not tried this yet but will have to have a go!
WOW! Now I understand why Gillian says you inspire her!!! How gorgeous is that!!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing this technique. I'm inspired and even though I'm suffering through a miserable cold, I'm off to play.
Fantastic tutorial... thanks Carrie. I have had several attempts with not so good results.
Your tutorial with its simple step by step technique has challenged me to have another go.
Thanks so much for sharing your technique with the blogging world.
Wow - this is fantastic - thanks for the lesson - love to learn things new
Wow, you make it look easy! I have not had much luck, but I am definitely going to give your method a try. Beautiful! ~Connie
65 comments already
I've been rather tardy with commenting
It's great work though Carrie Just love it
Wow, Carrie, what a stunning piece! Love it so much!
Thankyou that is a great sharing of technique! I will try this. It´s beautiful!
thanks for sharing this tutorial..
Carol (ingeniously creative) directed me to your site as she sung the praises on your transfer demo. I love Carol and once again she has got it so right - this is a fantastic tutorial and has given me the courage to go and try transfers!
Your work is fantastic and I shall add you to my fave blogs.
Best wishes
Hi Carry, thanks so much for sharing these instructions!
I'll give it a try this week!
The result of it I will show it on my Blog!
Hello Carrie, found your tutorial - thanks for sharing!
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